Natalia Bystriantseva

The Creative Association of Lighting Designers Russia / Head of RULD

Natalia Bystriantseva, Сand. Arch. Graduated in Architecture and Design from Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (SSTU), she has more than 10 years’ work experience in the field of an urban lighting. Laureate of the National Russian Award in Literature and Arts (Nomination “Architecture and design”, 2014). Head of CLD ITMO University, creative association of lighting designers RULD, International Laboratory Lighting Design in an Urban Environment and Art & Science Institute at ITMO University. Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the international research-to-practice conference “Lighting Design”.

Dr. Bystriantseva is one of the leading Russian experts in the field of lighting design, art & science and innovative interactive technology. She has more than ten years of professional experience and is the author of over 20 research papers in the field of Lighting Design. She has coordinated a range of applied R&D projects commissioned by the local authorities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Author of over 80 lighting projects.


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