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Residential complex "TITUL"

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company Llc Eclat Group
Lead Designers Vadim Dakhov
Other Designer's names Ekaterina Dakhova
Architecture Company Kamen architects
Interior Design Company Aedas
Client Centr-Invest corporation
Completion Date 2021
Project Location Moscow, Serebryanicheskiy lane, vl. 4/3, p. 2, 3, vl. 6/5, p. 2.
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Entry Description

"Titul" is a premium apartment complex located in the historic center of Moscow. The lighting concept was developed taking into consideration different angles of perception of the architectural object by the viewer. The level of brightness of the facades along Serebryanicheskaya embankment was deliberately increased, allowing the complex to blend harmoniously into the evening panorama of the city ensemble. Inside the complex the brightness is reduced creating an intimate atmosphere of an evening promenade. We used several layers of lighting:
The 1t layer is flood lighting, which provides the necessary background level of brightness for the facades and highlights their plasticity with inverse shadows.
The 2d layer provides accent lighting for the architectural elements of the white-stone facades using low-power narrow beam spotlights.
The 3d layer highlights the jambs of the windows on the golden facades using light fixtures with toroidal optics. This has been an excellent lighting solution considering the intricate architectural layout of the residential complex. This technique emphasizes the depth of the spatial composition and creates a unique visual and emotional image.