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Palacio Pereira

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company Limarí Lighting Design
Lead Designers Pascal Chautard
Other Designer's names Felipe Grandón, Barbara Marambio, Fabiola Martinez, Priscila Pacheco, Magdalena Roa
Architecture Company Cecilia Puga, Alberto Moletto, Paula Velasco
Client Ministerio de Obras Públicas
Photo Credits Aryeh Kornfeld
Other Credits Restauration Team: Alan Chandler, Fernando Perez, Luis Cercós
Completion Date february 2021
Project Location Santiago, Chile
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Entry Description

The historic Pereira Palace was designed in 1872 by the architect Lucien Hénault.

In 2011, in an advanced state of deterioration, it was purchased by the Chilean State which launched an international competition for its restoration in conjunction with the design of a new building.

Today the building houses services of the Ministry of Cultures and the Arts.

The main aim of the restoration proposal was the conservation of the existing, incorporating the condition of ruin as a testimony of the history and identity of the building.

In the cross gallery, we use the walls as a diffuser and secondary reflector. This delivers a general level of light which allow a confortable use of the space and reveal the texture of the decorative elements.

For the most part, the palace was treated with indirect lighting systems from the cornices, which enables to assess the details of the skies.

Contemporary luminaires which are clearly new elements, provide the lighting conditions required for the various tasks without intervening the skies.

In areas where the new building meets with the old building, the vertical plans of the old palace were washlighted to reinforce its presence.