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The Canopy

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company FPOV
Lead Designers FPOV
Other Designer's names Mark Elliott, Ana Spina
Other Credits Simon Lefort
Completion Date 2020
Project Location Sydney
Entry Description

Lighting and mirrors are a tricky combination.The principle idea was to render the canopy as the hero of the space, accentuating the dynamic form and reflective nature of the highly polished surface.Undesirable and specular reflections were to be avoided, as was anything recessed within the polished surface, as these would detract from the aesthetic of the canopy form.The solution uses low glare downlights, contained within an architectural channel detail.This integrated approach resolves both the lighting for a public circulation in a discrete way and reveals the undulating canopy surface by illuminating the surfaces which are reflected in the mirrored finish.
When in an external environment at night the human eye adapts to the ambient light levels, requiring less light to enhance feature elements.The proposed lighting for the lawn area, was to simply enhance the surrounding trees, providing reflected light to the space.
To ensure a well-balanced environment and a visual hierarchy that enables the creation of a visual journey, sculptural poles are used sparingly to provide a soft indirect lighting to the pathways, while spike lights reveal the landscape textures and colours.