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Unique and Colorful - New LED Lighting System in the Olympiastadion Berlin

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Lead Designers LANZ Manufaktur GmbH & Olympiastadion Berlin GmbH
Completion Date September 2019 until May 2020
Project Location Berlin Olympic stadium
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Entry Description

The lighting system of Berlin Olympic stadium puts its focus on optical variety. A special highlight is the full-color LED floodlight system which is the first in a stadium worldwide. A unique and colorful architectural lighting was also installed. This includes the so-called “membrane lighting”, built into the stadium roof, and the effect lighting “Ring of Fire”.
The lighting system has been invented from scratch: floodlight reflector technology as opposed to the conventional lens technology, with 5.200 LED-lamps in white and 1.000 LED-lamps in RGB.

In total, approximately 10.000 lamps were installed which can all be controlled individually via a DMX control system, 20.000 DMX-adresses ca be controlles with one lighting desk: each lamp in any color, providing unlimited options to emotionalize the event atmosphere and its visitors.

The Floodlight requirements set by the UEFA and the DFL are by far exceeded. On average, 2.300 LUX are measured at pitch level while the requirements currently only request 1.800 LUX.
Nevertheless, the new lighting system ensures vast savings in energy consumption and CO² emissions, cutting 50% costs and approximately 142 tons of CO² per year.