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breaking ground

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Lead Designers Stefan Lotze, Daniel Lythgoe, Jim Morrison
Other Designer's names Sound artist: Ben Melzer
Other Credits Photography: Jannis Bruns, Christoph Panzer
Completion Date 2017
Project Location Karlsruhe, Germany
Project Link View
Entry Description

Fine cracks run through the concrete desert, first light sprouts break up the wasteland. Still at the beginning of the development – the light creates a place of change and enables growth and evolution – for the site and its future use

The ground is broken, three large glowing cracks, allow visitors to enter. Where they intersect, the depth of the crevice creates seats, encouraging visitors to gather and take in the experience. Nestled at the heart of the installation, flashing light ‘eruptions’ synchronize with atmospheric sound effects, simulating the opening of the earth.

The installation was part of the art festival “Schwein gehabt”, which takes place on the former meatpacking district, which today is transformed into a cultural and creative hub of Karlsruhe. ‘Breaking ground’ focuses on a sealed area in the middle of the site, that users have wished to see greener and more vibrant. This idea is taken up and realized in a temporary light and sound installation, which at the same time is the starting point for a permanent change of the place.