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Whales, Voices of the Chilean Sea

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company Limarí Lighting Design
Lead Designers Pascal Chautard
Completion Date 2018
Project Location Santiago, Chile
Project Link View
Entry Description

The Project of the exibition Whales, voices of the chilean sea had the specificity of being a real collaborative design process with clients and museographic designers CQ Estudio.
Our concept was based on “immersion” and our goal was to try to generate a sensorial experience for the visitors creating textures and atmospheres that remains underwater universe.
We integrate in the museographic elements a very simple linear LED fitting filtered with a bright blue 118 GEL. This indirect general blue lighting effect with the reflection on the blue paint ceiling give us the “immersion” impression we were looking for.
The collection lighting was done with the spotlights of the cultural center, we filter them with 202 half CT blue as to avoid the impression of orange light produced by 3000K halogens in comparison with the general blue light.
The quality of the final result is fullly relationned with the skills of the 6 lighting designers who manufactured on site, with theatrical filters, black foil and cardboard the snoots and attachments
required. Finally we programmed the control system to generate a balanced and sensible global light scenario.