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Yang Nai Wen Concert

Prize(s) Winners in Music Event Lighting
Company Rokerfly Design
Lead Designers Jen Wei Chan
Client Online Entertaiment/YASSS! Entertainment/AsiaMuse
Photo Credits You-Ren, Tseng
Completion Date 22/10/2022
Project Location Taipei
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Entry Description

Yang Nai Wen is a singer who is willing to accept and try new styles. It was her first concert in Taiwan after eight years of absence. The concept is based on light, to create a muse in the music industry through light. The design team use light and shadow effects to present a story-like image for the singer.

The light presentation is diversified. In addition to color temperature, saturation, and intensity, the overall direction of the luminaire in the three-dimensional space is also taken into account, including vertical, horizontal, and inclined. Moreover, there are many luminaires arranged in a tight line. Different shapes of lights can be seen in the concert, such as the cross, the Greek temple, the wings behind the singer, the three-dimensional pillar of light, and the dawn rising.

Making light the best complement to a concert is something that has never been seriously attempted in the Taiwan concert market. Through the project, light has specifically changed three major concert factors. First, the progression of light can enrich the emotion of the song. Second, the visual presentation of light can complete the event. Thirdly, the quality and effect of light made audiences’ emotions grow, and the audience had a deeper insight and inspiration of "light".
Sustainability Approach

The lighting in the project is recycled and reused after the concert. Moreover, the project used a small number of lights in the Taiwan concert market. Nevertheless, it presents various effects, which also means that the perfect performance effect does not depend on the number of pieces of equipment but on the plan and performance. It is worth mentioning that the BSW lighting fixtures and bar lights are energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Compared with the large-screen animation, the overall energy consumption of the project is relatively eco-friendly.