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Prize(s) Winners in Exterior Architectural Illumination
Company RDesign International Lighting
Lead Designers Guojian Hu
Other Designer's names Hongbo Qiang&Xiaohua Wu
Photo Credits Schranimage
Completion Date 2022.10
Project Location Shanghai
Entry Description

The premiere site, 605 Project, is one of the visual focal points of Smart Creation TOP and the gateway interface for showcasing the entire Taopu Smart City. Creating an unforgettable “urban living room” for the western central area of Shanghai is the primary consideration for Smart Creation TOP in terms of architectural design and practice. With the growing middle-class population in China, the demand for public cultural spaces continues to rise. Showroom-style skyscrapers can no longer satisfy the middle class’s pursuit of culture, connotation, and history. Instead, it will be public cultural buildings that have enduring appeal and rich cultural heritage. This concept is incorporated into the design and practice of Smart Creation TOP, with the design of a sunken plaza emerging in the northeast corner of the project. The sunken plaza serves as the main passageway connecting the underground commercial area, channeling a large volume of subway foot traffic into the plaza, creating a vibrant commercial atmosphere. Additionally, the sunken plaza can also serve as a public open-air platform for outdoor performances and leisure activities.
Company Description

RDesign International Lighting is a global leading creative architectural consultancy company, founded in 2012 and has offices in Shanghai, Hong kong and New York. The completed projects by team were often honored internationally each year.
We provide lighting design services for projects in various fields, such as overall urban planning, high-rise complex building development, and customized art installation for transportation hubs, hotels and exhibitions.