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Ui ART Center

Prize(s) Winners in Interior Architectural Illumination
Company RDesign International Lighting
Lead Designers Guojian Hu
Other Designer's names Qiying Jin&Jin Yan
Photo Credits Schranimage
Completion Date 2022.6
Project Location Suzhou
Entry Description

In the lighting design,the team avoided common downlights and instead adopted the approach of illuminating the ceiling to achieve soft and diffused light that fills the entire space.Large-scale wall washing is used to highlight the exhibited artworks and introductions at the entrance,accentuating the spatial characteristics and guiding the visual flow.The public circulation spaces leading to various exhibition halls continue the consistent design approach.Through extensive wall washing and the high reflectivity of white walls,a uniform and bright visual space is achieved without the need for dense downlights.Suspended artworks in the public spaces are composed of colorful silk threads,featuring graceful and gentle forms.They are illuminated through diffused light,adding a touch of brightness to the pure white space.In the main exhibition hall,a large area of adjustable luminous ceiling provides a uniformly high-brightness environment that meets exhibition requirements.Additionally,a track lighting system embedded within the framework highlights the exhibited artworks.The skylight in the center of the exhibition hall was carefully designed to avoid direct sunlight on the paintings.The design team conducted a precise natural light simulation analysis to determine the height and spacing of the"eye"devices,ensuring that direct sunlight doesn't fall on the walls throughout the year.
Company Description

RDesign International Lighting is a global leading creative architectural consultancy company, founded in 2012 and has offices in Shanghai, Hong kong and New York. The completed projects by team were often honored internationally each year.
We provide lighting design services for projects in various fields, such as overall urban planning, high-rise complex building development, and customized art installation for transportation hubs, hotels and exhibitions.