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The Line

Prize(s) Winners in Street Lighting
Lighting Design/Product Company Selux Corporation
Lead Designers Selux Corporation
Completion Date 1/25/22
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Entry Description

The LINE - A Delicate Approach to Street & Path Lighting

The Line is for land­scape design­ers in need of a slim (4 1/2 inch), modern column or bol­lard that per­forms and sup­ports the calm, clear urban land­scape. The Line is del­i­cate in form and cus­tomiz­able. To meet dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions, four module sizes are avail­able with light out­puts scaled accord­ingly. Inte­grat­ing the optics directly into the ver­ti­cal form we elim­i­nate the need for a hous­ing. Ver­ti­cal linear optic mod­ules fit seam­lessly into 360º adjustable ver­sions of the Line. Com­bine mul­ti­ple light engines to create var­i­ous dis­tri­b­u­tions, enabling flex­i­bil­ity of design in a stun­ning and har­mo­nious look. All optics in the Line family may be selected, as is, for more per­for­mance or with the optional com­fort fea­ture, for a softer visual appear­ance. Typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions are urban projects, deep city, down­town, paths and squares.