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Dubai Route 2020 Metro Link, UAE

Prize(s) Winners in Bridges and Public infrastructures Lighting
Company dpa Lighting Consultants
Lead Designers Lee Sweetman, Director, dpa lighting consultants
Other Designer's names Nikos Moskofidis, Louise Mari Santiago, Reynold Uy, Zyra Lampaugh - dpa lighting consultants
Architecture Company Atkins – Dubai
Interior Design Company Aedas – Dubai
Client Dubai Roads & Transport Authority
Photo Credits Phil Handforth Architectural Photography
Completion Date 31st January 2021
Project Location Dubai, UAE
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Entry Description

As part of the design team for Dubai Route 2020 Metro Link, UAE, we were responsible for the design, and specification of architectural lighting to the Interiors, Façades, and Landscape of all six new stations and one interchange station. Branching from the existing Red Line and connecting with the Expo 2020 site, the project offered a number of unique lighting challenges.

Earth, Fire, Water & Air were the guiding principles that dictated the lighting design and architectural language of the new development. Lighting design for the stations was developed alongside the architectural, interior design and engineering teams to enhance the key principles inherent in the original metro concept whilst also maintaining and developing a unique night time identity for the newly commissioned line.

Subtle and contextual lighting interventions were to sit alongside more dynamic and characterful areas in order to balance and contrast the approach to illumination.

In particular the canopy of the Expo station presented a unique opportunity to announce the station and its arrival plazas within an often congested illuminated environment. A subtle, sophisticated yet simple approach to the illumination of the canopy celebrates the unique colour, contrast, form and texture of this iconic architectural intervention.