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Immersive Gestures

Prize(s) Winners in Interior Architectural Illumination / Theater Performance Design
University California College of The Arts
Lead Designers Congrui Gao
Interior Design Company California College of The Arts
Other Credits Instructors: Margo Majewska
Completion Date Spring 2021
Project Location San Francisco
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Entry Description

This project focuses on developing a lighting design for Studio 2 project, that converts an existing theater into a performing space that includes fashion shows. The concept for my project was inspired by Balenciaga's 2020 fashion show. Each environment is connected through layers of immersive experience. The interior of the performance space is composed of a single strip-shaped LED screen, and the audience will stand along the arcs edges to experience a 360-degree immersive experience. Videos on the screen will actively respond to the fashion clothing, creating a sense of mystery, structuralism, and powerful visual impact. The relationship between the fashion model and the audience will continue to change, instead of maintaining a fixed relationship between the stage and the audience. The entire experience of the fashion show is not a static vision, it is an Immersive experience of moving Gestures between the audience and performer. Illuminating public space needs to fulfill a wide range of needs. The design process for this project was structured around 5 layers of light that address these needs and uses these layers as a guide for making lighting design decisions.