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Prize(s) Winners in Illuminated Home Decor
University Islamic Azad University Central Branch
Lead Designers Ava Sarabi & Ghazal Jafarnehzad
Entry Description

By looking at man’s modern lifestyle today, we can see that the industrial and machine life has took over so much, to the point that we have forgotten nature, our primary provenance, in our daily lives.
Having this issue in mind, we, Ava and Ghazaal, two freelance designers, have collaborated to create a collection that has been derived from nature to have long lasting impacts on humanity.
For this project, we collected pieces of stones from the heart of the bare nature itself, and we started sketching and developing ideas inspired from their structures and forms.
Considering the fact that light is an essential element for our perception of our surroundings, we have created products in the field of lighting design by reflecting light on the texture of the stones.