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Inter-lux/Whitegoods 20+

Prize(s) Winners in Linear Lighting Systems
Lighting Design/Product Company Inter-lux
Lead Designers Ivan Vazzoleretto, Director of Design, Inter-lux
Photo Credits Max Cuzmuc
Completion Date September 2019
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Entry Description

20+ is a new group of profiles and accessories that expands the capabilities of the existing 20Linear range to accommodate every possible indoor linear lighting application with these mounting and performance features:

20 Perimeter: 1” wide extruded aluminum profile that recesses into the ceiling at the wall to provide light from a perimeter glow to a full graze. This modular system includes a housing provided in any length, shipped from stock and compatible with every ceiling type. The 20Linear light fixture easily wires and snaps into the housing for a seamless perimeter lighting system with continuous runs and corners. Available in flush or regressed position for maximum performance and minimal brightness.

Narrow grazing optics: this lens snaps into the 20Linear to deliver a 25-degree beam for grazing effects and can be used with the 20 Perimeter in the regressed position.

Louver: a 45-degree cut-off louver snaps onto the 20Linear to provide a 45-degree beam while eliminating glare from the source.

20+ lets lighting designers create integrated lighting schemes with one unified style and fulfills the need for lighting tools that are easy to specify, install and maintain.
Company Description

Inter-lux designs, manufactures and distributes high-performance architectural lighting products. Our wide product range is curated for the design community and represented by the best sales representative network in the business.