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Tianan 1000 Trees

Prize(s) Winners in Exterior Architectural Illumination
Lighting Design/Product Company SPEIRS MAJOR and LEOX design partnership
Lead Designers Keith Bradshaw, Clementine Fletcher-Smith, Ewan Parsons, Eisa Zheng, Bayerno Gu
Other Designer's names Evan Chen, Oliver Wang
Architecture Company Heatherwick studio
Client Tian-an
Completion Date 2020
Project Location Shanghai, China
Entry Description

Tianan 1000 Trees is located on the banks of the Suzhou River, Shanghai. Working with the well-known designer Thomas Heatherwick, whose inspiration for this project was from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, we have reached a consensus that the plaza would become an aesthetical landmark in Shanghai.

The name "1000 trees" was based on the actual 1000 trees that were planted on the façade. The stepped terraces cascade down, and there are a thousand styles of different-height columns stretching out as flower pots, with 1000 trees planted at the top.

The astonishing flower columns scattered, the dramatic trees displayed, together they form a visually poetic landscape, giving the building a dreamy atmosphere day and night.

Flower columns and pots with different heights, sizes and shapes grow from the ground to the top. The designers set up complex projection positions and logic: using the combination of a very narrow-angled buried lamp group as the basic lighting, and using additional light groups to deal with the edge of the flowerpot that cannot be covered by the lighting directly below. With the help of engineering experts, a natural and orderly effect was finally achieved.