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Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum

Prize(s) Winners in Exterior Architectural Illumination
Lighting Design/Product Company Ning Field Lighting Design
Lead Designers Dongning Wang
Other Designer's names Honglei Wang, Zhenmei Cui, Jinlong Liang, Kun Teng
Architecture Company Studio Zhu-Pei,Tsinghua Univ
Photo Credits @schranimage
Project Location Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province
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Entry Description

Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum is located in the center of the historical area of Jingdezhen of China, which is known as the “Porcelain Capital” in the world for its splendid history of producing pottery. Situated on the site of the Imperial Kiln ruins, the Museum pays homage to Chinese handicraft tradition through modern architecture.

The brick vaults based on the traditional form of the kiln is built through integration of traditional masonry craftsmanship and modern building techniques. Concretes are poured into a space formed between two layers of bricks worked by hands to create a light and thin arch structure.

Vaulted brick structures make up Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum. Each arch structure, similar in shape but varying in size and curvature, is positioned naturally in the relic site. Arches, either at regular intervals or connected by glazing, establishes communion between architectural space and the nature.

The spaced light endows the space with more diversity and rhythmic changes.

Light slots are reserved on the drainage ditch between the arch wall and ground. The warm lighting pervades the bottom of the wall to create a welcoming atmosphere.
Company Description

Ning Field Lighting Design Founder/Chief Creative Director;
United Artists Lighting Design Founder/Chief Creative Director;
Professional Member of IALD
Member of IESNA;
Member of China Illuminating Engineering Society;
Member of Interior Lighting Committee;
China Arts Architecture Design & Research Institute: VP and Director of Lighting Design Research Center;
Architecture and Culture Society of China: Director of Lighting Art Committe
Executive Manager of 3rd Administrative Council;