Prize(s) Winners in Exterior Architectural Illumination
Lighting Design/Product Company artec3 Studio
Lead Designers Maurici Ginés
Other Designer's names Núria Barat, Mariel Fuentes, Maya Or
Architecture Company RCR Arquitectes + Coussée&Goris Architecten
Client Cvba Waalse Krook, SOGent, Stad Gent
Photo Credits De Brabander Geert; tvdv
Completion Date 2017
Project Location Ghent (BE)
Entry DescriptionThe multimedia library rises in a unique corner of Ghent where a new urban space allows the contemporary building to complement the historic city center and the crook of the River Scheldt.
Inspired by the lines of lights from cars in long-exposure night shots, the external lighting was designed to highlight the linear dynamics of the building which rises parallel to the ground up to the top.
At the base of the building, the lines of light lead the sight from the outside path to the footbridge over the river. The higher lines of the building were treated with a series of subtle lines to reveal the architecture.
The interior lighting design was conceived as a constructive material following the form of the floor, forming part of the heating platform and the structural core. We adhered to lighting norms, generating a warm uniform overall lighting using 3000ºk recessed LED linear luminaires in the platform. The warm tonality was reinforced with task lights above the tables and linear LED lighting integrated into the shelving.
The lighting design takes into account the unique location and its reflection in the River Scheldt to produce a sensorial image emblematic of the city.