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Symphony of Lights

Prize(s) Winners in Exterior Architectural Illumination
Company Dumas Interior Design Group
Lead Designers Yu-Lin Shih
Other Designer's names Yu-Lin Shih, Wun-Huei Lyu, Ling-Chun Tseng
Client Mega Building Development
Completion Date 2020/11/25
Project Location Taichung City, Taiwan
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Entry Description

We were born in the nature but lost in the city. In this case, under the designer's ingenious planning, rows of upright pipes are inlaid on the facade of the building, like a solemn pipe organ in the cathedral, welcoming all the guests and playing the natural flow of its own. When the night falls, soft light pours out from the building, lighting up the field, and for the lost travelers in the city, illuminating a path leading them back to nature.

The lighting design of this case creates a variety of imaginary spaces with modern geometric aesthetics, and interweaves various forms of light and shadow. On the outside, the irregular shape of the building body, coupled with an asymmetrical lamp tube design, creates a sense of harmony in accidents. The use of white upright tubes with lights creates different feelings and images during the day and night. When night falls, it is the highlight and stage of these upright pipes. The up and down upright pipes, like the grand and solemn pipe organ in the cathedral, are like the beating notes on the piano score, playing with light and shadow in a low voice. Like ocean waves, stacked and pushed back and forth, surging.