Prize(s) Winners in Interior Architectural Illumination
Lighting Design/Product Company Ning Field Lighting Design
Lead Designers Dongning Wang
Other Designer's names Honglei wang, Zhenmei Cui, Jinlong Liang,
Architecture Company Studio Zhu-Pei
Photo Credits Runzi Zhu
Project Location Beijing
Entry Description798 Cube Art Museum (798 Cube) is the new venue under the five-year cultural exchange cooperation program jointly sponsored by Beijing 798 Culture Co., Musée National Picasso-Paris and Foundation Giacometti .
The foyer, the corridors and first-floor galleries are elegantly lit with balanced combination of diffused natural light and artificial illumination.
By using north facing skylights and reducing the amount of light transmission into the galleries, the light level is appropriate for the display of moderately light sensitive works of art based on current museum standards.
The red brick walls and fair-faced concreted have been endowed with life, breath with the varying intensity and color of natural light. Light enters the architecture and become a resident in it.
The open courtyard is formed by enclosure of both the old and new buildings, equipped with moveable crane trusses overhead. Casambi controlled outdoor spotlights under folded tarpaulin of the truss will provide different settings for diversified scenarios.
The ramps and staircases are illuminated with specially designed concealed linear wall washer, inviting visitors to go deeper.
Company DescriptionNing Field Lighting Design Founder/Chief Creative Director;
United Artists Lighting Design Founder/Chief Creative Director;
Professional Member of IALD
Member of IESNA;
Member of China Illuminating Engineering Society;
Member of Interior Lighting Committee;
China Arts Architecture Design & Research Institute: VP and Director of Lighting Design Research Center;
Architecture and Culture Society of China: Director of Lighting Art Committe
Executive Manager of 3rd Administrative Council;