Prize(s) Winners in Interior Architectural Illumination
Lighting Design/Product Company Ning Field Lighting Design
Lead Designers Dongning Wang
Other Designer's names Honglei Wang, Zhenmei Cui, Jinlong Liang, Kun Teng
Architecture Company Studio Zhu-Pei, Tshinghua Univ
Photo Credits @schranimage
Project Location Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province
Entry DescriptionSituated on the site of the Imperial Kiln ruins, the Museum pays homage to Chinese handicraft tradition through modern architecture.
Lighting design has followed the principle of extreme simplicity in the pursuit of pervading lighting without presence of fixtures to maintain purity of the space.
The traditional smoke holes for the ancient kilns are adopted in this design to serve as holes for the incoming of light. Some of the holes are openings for penetration of natural lighting. Some of the holes are hidden with artificial light to serve as the basic light for space illumination and the focus light for exhibition.
The layout of lighting holes in the whole vault, its structural design as well as its interface with the architecture are determined through rounds of feasibility studies, simulation and comprehensive consideration of the mock up. Visitors will be immersed in the beauty of the space while forgetting the existence of lamps.
The main exhibition hall is located at the B1 floor. The lighting system is grouped with smoke detectors and other facilities to create a clean and orderly ceiling.
Company DescriptionNing Field Lighting Design Founder/Chief Creative Director;
United Artists Lighting Design Founder/Chief Creative Director;
Professional Member of IALD
Member of IESNA;
Member of China Illuminating Engineering Society;
Member of Interior Lighting Committee;
China Arts Architecture Design & Research Institute: VP and Director of Lighting Design Research Center;
Architecture and Culture Society of China: Director of Lighting Art Committe
Executive Manager of 3rd Administrative Council;