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Prize(s) Winners in Visitor Experience & Museum Exhibition
Company Fortheloveoflight
Lead Designers Nikolaj Birkelund
Other Designer's names Johan Carlsson, Anders Laust, Christian Ankerstjerne, Lotte Clementsen
Interior Design Company JAC studios : dk
Client Copenhagen Museum
Photo Credits Adam Mørk : dk, JAC studios : dk
Other Credits Digital Media model : jonas fehr, Datawall : Dark Matters, Steen holdt : modelmaker
Completion Date Feb, 2021
Project Location Copenhagen : Culture quarters
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Entry Description

The large casted model allows for exploration and an element of surprise, as well as the opportunity to identify the characteristic buildings and city squares that make Copenhagen the Copenhagen we know. The oval model is surrounded by the panorama wall consisting of 32 embossed panels giving depth and a soft feel to the horizon. The panorama wall includes 2 dynamic lighting solutions that has different functions. The integrated top-light references the daylight and is bathing the central model in diffuse cool daylight. The integrated horizon light mimics the low evening or early morning sun and grazes the model and sculps the facades of the buildings of the model.
The total experience is condensed to a 24 minute multi-sensory experience including data-wall, laser light and integrated artificial panorama light. Throughout the 24 min the panorama wall that frames the room changes through a series of lightscapes, each based on Scandinavia’s unique daylight. Just as life in Copenhagen has always taken place in the long bright evenings and low crisp winter sun, the Copenhagen model lives in these same lighting conditions – recreated in an abstract way.
Company Description

Fortheloveoflight is an independent lighting design bureau working
with light. The team has different backgrounds coming from landscape and architecture, from electronics and stage design but the common thing is that we all love light.

We believe that playing with light is the way to learn together and develope special places for people. Lighting design should not only be calculated and measured, but explored and visually tested through studies and hands-on mock-ups.