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Prize(s) Winners in Exhibition Booth Lighting
Lighting Design/Product Company ambience
Lead Designers Dennis Lok
Other Designer's names Somesh Kaushal, Susan Hardjono
Other Credits EMAC Constructions
Completion Date June 2020
Project Location Melbourne, Australia
Entry Description

For DENFAIR 2.0 design exhibition, ambience created the Symphony sculptural installation (shown virtually this year because of Covid-19). Due to the pandemic the display called for an exceptional creative, technical and production response.

The creative vision was to create attendee interest by producing a booth area showcasing a series of music-inspired light sculptures using products from ambience's Symphony linear lighting range.

The experience directs the viewer down a luminaire-bookended path and culminates with the linear sculptures and original artwork lightbox.

Music as a thematic element was interpreted into sculptural forms. Ranging from the obvious to the abstract; the triangle, the stave and the pause/play control icons. The three dimensional collection was a marriage between metal and intricate original custom joiners & brackets (produced using a 3D printer). Lighting was precise, with no light leak or dark spots. The fixtures were displayed under an illuminated stretched fabric designed to emit a wide beam of light that best represented the colour values of natural light.

The Symphony booth display was quite the productive feat in new ground for all involved.