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Prize(s) Winners in Interactive Lighting Products
University Kunsthochschule Weißensee
Lead Designers Alissa Wolter
Completion Date February 2019
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Entry Description
moodable is an interactive light. The light quality can be variably
adjusted by a simple and intuitive movement. The dynamic light
can be adapted seamlessly to any situation and thus changes the
mood in the room. By opening the luminaire, the light temperature,
brightness and propagation angle can be varied.
The luminaire is based on a simple mechanism supplemented
by a complex invisible digital component that creates a pleasant
user experience. In contrast to other individually adjustable luminaires,
the control works directly on the object. This creates a
new way of interaction between user and object. The mechanics
are openly visible, so the function of the luminaire is self-explanatory
due to its shape. The two halves of the luminaire balance
themselves so that the luminaire can be stopped at any angle.
The two halves of moodable are rotationally symmetrical, which
makes production and installation easier.