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Shikhara Hanging Pendant

Prize(s) Winners in Hanging Lights
Lighting Design/Product Company Arjun Rathi Design
Lead Designers Arjun Rathi
Completion Date 2018
Project Location Mumbai
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Entry Description

The formation of the light is inspired from the "Shikhara", typical to Indian and Buddhist Temple Architecture. The Shikhara forms are representative of the five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Ether and always form the top of these temples.

The light is designed taking inspiration from the Shikhara form, by representing the five elements; the form mirrors the opposite elements Fire & Water and Wind & Earth respectively in hand blown glass and the fifth element either is represented by a Conical Pyramid.

The light constitutes a combination of blown glass and brass manufactured with artisans in India; where the glass gives transparency to the vertical form.

The Shikhara Pendent Light has been designed in 4 editions to accommodate it in all types of spaces, where each varies in its height i.e. 9 feet, 6 feet, 4 feet , 3 feet and can be finished in choices of metal and glass finishes.
Company Description

Arjun Rathi Design is a multi-disciplinary studio working across
Architecture & Lighting Design. The studio is driven by material experimentation and applying them to customized design across verticals. A vertical in the studio caters to designing and building
Lighting. Working on both ends of the design spectrum, from Single pieces made together with craftsmen to mass produced objects developed in collaboration with the manufacturers; The studio is not defined by a particular style, but rather by questioning objects while considering their context and cultural associations embedded in them.