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Nova Hospital

Prize(s) Winners in Interactive Lighting Projects / Interior Architectural Illumination
Lighting Design/Product Company Lighting Design Collective
Lead Designers Jari Vuorinen
Completion Date 2018
Project Location Espoo, Finland
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Entry Description

Fortum Transition Tunnel - An immersive and interactive lightart intervention.
Lighting Design Collective (LDC) in collaboration with Kohina Design Agency designed an ambient communication tool for Fortum's new headquartes in Espoo, Finland. It acts as a vehicle to transform the mindset of visitors entering the new space, light walks with you as you transition to work or start your journey home.
By stepping into the tunnel from the reception area the visitors are led into an ambient immersive space where light patterns express the brand image and core business of Fortum. The space senses the movement of people passing thru and the ever-shifting patterns on the walls and ceiling invite to ”join the change” which is one of Fortums main messages. The Transition Tunnel system is able to pick movement of people passing in it and transform that information to movements of the light patterns across the tunnel walls and ceiling. It is also connected to external triggers such as real-time wind speed and direction to add to the experience of data connectivity.