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Prize(s) Winners in Energy Saving Lighting
Lighting Design/Product Company Gillard Group
Lead Designers Jenni Gillard
Completion Date 2019
Project Location Brisbane, Queensland
Entry Description

Thornhill, completed early 2019, is a 35 apartment residential development featuring a central light-well, open sides and trellis gardens. The Gillard Group designed and commissioned the turnkey lighting design.

Highlights include: achieving an astonishing 0.43 watts m2 for the car park; indoor horticultural lighting for hanging gardens; bespoke decorative tube LED luminaires; and indirect and facade lighting.

The car park, with open sides and close neighbours, required careful selection of product and many calculations to achieve full compliance and no spill light. In addition, the placement of luminaires reduced the number required, the energy consumed and total costs.

The same rigorous approach was applied to each apartment type and common areas. Common areas are 4.72 watts per square metre. Apartments are 2.6 watts per square metre. 80% of the lighting is indirect for the well being of aged care and disability residents.
Company Description

The Gillard Group comprises Jenni Gillard Architectural Lighting Designers (JGALD) established September 2005 and Aglow established January 2008. JGALD is a multi-award winning lighting design studio using art and science to deliver great day/night lighting solutions. Aglow offers lighting as a service using business cases and technology to deliver sustained value.

The Gillard Group values being product neutral, takes no commissions and has no incentive to over-light.