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Gleis Garten

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Lighting Design/Product Company Expolight
Lead Designers Mykola Kabluka
Photo Credits Ivan Avdieienko
Completion Date 01/10/2023
Project Location Vienna
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Entry Description

This building is one of the oldest and first tram depots in Europe, located in the center of Vienna. The depot was renovated and completed in several stages, combining authentic wood with modern brick. In order to preserve the tram tracks as artefacts from the past, it was decided to make the floor flush with them, and palm trees with oils were planted in the ditches where the trams were repaired as if they were growing through the tracks. Accordingly, this object was named Gleis Garten, which can be translated as "track garden". Such projects are particularly interesting and valuable to us due to their multi-component and textural nature. Tram rails, bricks, authentic wood, palm trees, and olives - how can all this be combined in one place? But it can. And with the help of light, we managed to emphasize and unite all these elements together.In addition to paying attention to the manifestation of textures, we also experimented with a combination of light, caustic laser, and smoke - the effect was stunningly Instagrammable.All the lights are connected to a single flexible system that can be easily controlled and adjusted from anywhere in the world right from your laptop via our Cloud Control System.