Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Lighting Design/Product Company Tobias Link GmbH
Lead Designers Tobias Link, Oliver Link
Other Designer's names Peter Thode
Architecture Company ECE Creative Design Architecture & Construction
Interior Design Company ECE Creative Design Architecture & Construction
Client ECE Marketplaces GmbH & Co.KG
Photo Credits Tom Gundelwald
Other Credits Instalighting, FormLED
Completion Date October 2021
Project Location Leipzig, Germany
Entry DescriptionNova is an event mall in Germany, that has now been renovated in terms of energy and design. Artificial and accent lighting was converted to LED. This opened up new possibilities for the lighting design of the mall. For example, the 4 large pillars in the main event area could be equipped with a video-capable LED matrix. Now, in addition to monochrome colours, low resolution decorative video motifs can also be displayed. Parts of the mall were to be cosily illuminated as places of retreat. Here, a tree structure was created that uses the existing columns as a trunk. The luminaires have 2 control circuits and emit diffuse light via the diffuser surfaces and brilliant light via the donwlight component. The colour temperature can be adjusted to the time of day. This light sculpture can be found in a smaller design also in the in the mall areas. The 56 arches of the main entrance form the art installation "the living seas" and interact with the visitors. If no one is in the room, the space slips into deep blue. When visitors walk through the space, they trigger light and colour waves. In addition, sounds reminiscent of underwater worlds are played.