Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Lighting Design/Product Company Flux Studio (creative lead, lighting designer)
Lead Designers Glenn Shrum, Laura Dillon
Other Designer's names Neighborhood Design Center (project management, community engagement)
Architecture Company PI.KL Studio (architecture, lighting)
Interior Design Company Public Mechanics (graphic design, lighting)
Client Station North Community
Photo Credits Neighborhood Design Center, Bruce Willen (Public Mechanics), Karl Connolly, Flux Studio
Other Credits Sponsers: National Endowment for the Arts, Central Baltimore Partnership, and others
Completion Date 2022
Project Location Baltimore, MD
Entry DescriptionPublic Space Lighting Initiative
-Questions typical lighting design processes & outcomes
-Explores how urban lighting can support residents
-Encourages community members to advocate for their interests
-Shifts power of lighting away from experts & toward community
-Kickoff event: Participants paraded around neighborhood illuminating sites with LED flashlights
-Community light walks & meetings: Participants shared values about light
-Urban & lighting analysis focused on pedestrian experience
-Mapping exercises compared community values & lighting analysis
-Lighting Plan: open framework supports range of lighting interventions, giving community agency while maintaining cohesion
-Lighting Guidebook:
--How Light Works: educational material sharing technical lighting knowledge
--Community Lighting Guide: infographics on how to report outages & navigate lighting bureaucracy
--Light Inspiration: light-based community project examples
--Light Readings: municipal case studies & historical context
-Hardcopy zines distributed via branded newspaper boxes:
--A Guide to Navigating Lighting at Night
--A Guide to Noticing Light in the Neighborhood