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Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company Being.Light
Lead Designers Alena Osina
Architecture Company Planet 9
Interior Design Company Planet 9
Client Planet 9
Photo Credits Vasily Bulanov
Other Credits Anton Safiulin, Technical director
Completion Date 15.01.2022
Project Location The Central Exhibition Hall Manege, Moscow, Russia
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Entry Description

Viktor Tsoi would have turned 60 this year. More than 30 years have passed since the death of the legend of Russian rock. Years later, the music of Viktor Tsoi sounds and gains new fans all over the world.
Viktor Tsoi. The Hero's Path is the first biopic exhibition dedicated to the leader of the group “Kino”: 2,650 m2, 11 thematic multimedia halls, more than 300 exhibits from private collections.
The project is a whole system of art solutions: these are non-standard architectural and design ideas, modern multimedia technologies, an audio guide, a mobile app, displays and projectors. Interactions with the exhibits creates an "immersion effect" and a special atmosphere of the presence of a revived legend.
Each of the halls tells a separate story of the Tsoi’s life – from a shy boy to an idol of generations. Exhibition halls are devoted to one of the areas of his life: music, cinema, travel, art.
And for our team of lighting designers, the biopic exhibition is a film about the life of the main character, which we showed the guests directing them from hall to hall. For maximum impact, we selected the most suitable solutions that combine multimedia elements with real world objects.