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Nakka Restaurant

Prize(s) Winners in Hotel and Restaurants Lighting
Lighting Design/Product Company Mingrone Iluminação
Lead Designers Antonio Carlos Mingrone
Completion Date October 2016
Project Location São Paulo
Entry Description

Located in São Paulo, the Nakka Restaurant translates in its form the lightness of the oriental culture with a contemporary architectural looking.
The lighting composition was based on the highlighting of the vertical and horizontal lines, exploring the plans and textures in contrast to the calm ilumination from the common spaces.
From the strong lights on the pergolas to the delicated illumination incorporated to the balconies, the lighting design creates an environment harmonization exploring the hierarquic ilumination considered to each element. The final result is a friendlly space that promotes a cozy ambience while exalts the architecture in its details.
Company Description

Mingrone Iluminacao is an architectural office specialized in lighting design. Created in 1993, it has more than 4.500 lighting design projects in its portfolio, with a team of above 40 collaborators from several backgrounds.