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Simply Charles

Prize(s) Winners in Theater Performance Design
Lead Designers Priman LEE
Completion Date Jan 2017
Project Location Hong Kong
Entry Description

"Simply Charles" is a drama about social phenomena of Dementia, the slow growing brain disease.
A symbolic scenic structure mimic the deterioration of cerebrum. Act with lighting and projection, the setting include an area for a live piano performing the music tone and movement of play.
An abstract nursing home with scattering furnitures casted in Light and Shadow situate as the major setting of theatre performance of drama about the Alzheimer's disease, the gradual neurological disorder in human's life.
Color and Pattern Lighting rendering on the hemispherical form show as expressing background alongside with the dramatic development as visual key. Fractured memories and theatrical moments are proceeding In and out of the shape Light and Darkness on stage.

Production: "Simply Charles 耋"
Company: Prospect Theatre, Hong Kong
Lighting and Scenographer: Priman LEE
Director: Hardy Choi
Date: Jan 2017, Ko Shan Theatre New Wing, Hong Kong