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Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company Eos Lightmedia
Lead Designers Douglas Welch
Other Designer's names Jamie O'Connor, Scott Hendrickson, Eugene Mendelev
Interior Design Company AldrichPears Associates
Client AldrichPears Associates
Photo Credits Matt Braden Photo/Wanuskewin
Completion Date January 1, 2021
Project Location Wanuskewin Heritage Park
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Entry Description

The Wanuskewin Heritage Centre lighting was designed to accommodate two very different spaces. The lobby lighting complements daylight and accents feature exhibits. A connecting corridor to the black box gallery allows for visual adaptation between spaces. The ‘black box’ main gallery features an immersive environment with dynamic lighting synchronized to a 360o projection screen. Colour wash luminaires & pattern projectors support the media presentation and track-mounted spots accent exhibits and a stylized central structure.

All fixtures are selected and mounted to maintain visual cut-off, eliminate glare, minimize reflections in the glass exhibit cases, and keep spill off the projection screens. Contrast ratios have been adjusted in the different gallery areas to create a visual hierarchy appropriate to each space.

All lighting is programmed with a DMX controller and synchronized to the AV system. Illuminance levels are set to conserve sensitive artifacts. All systems are designed for low maintenance with remote monitoring and diagnostics to assist with troubleshooting and maintenance.